


本《網路應用程式條款和條件》適用於您作為註冊使用者(下文簡稱「」)使用 https://productinfo.loropiana.com/traceability上提供的 Loro Piana 網路應用程式(「網路應用程式」)。

網路應用程式由註冊辦公室位於 Quarona (VC),Corso Rolandi 10 的 Loro Piana S.p.A. (「Loro Piana」) 提供和管理。  

请注意,只有在您购买了Loro Piana Gift of Kings商品的情况下,"所有权声明 "和 "兑换NFT "网络应用程序功能才适用。

該網路應用程式的目的在於讓您追蹤特定 Loro Piana 的產品,建立一個列出您已購買和擁有的特定 Loro Piana 的物品的虛擬衣櫥,以及兌換任何相關的非同質化代幣(「NFT」)並將它們保存在您的錢包中。請參閱我們的《NFT 使用條款和條件》以進一步了解如何兌換 NFT 的相關資訊。這些服務利用分散式帳本技術 (DLT),允許使用者在加密的基礎上,以可驗證、不可更改和不可修改的方式進行分享、分發、複製以及記錄、驗證、更新和儲存特定交易(所謂的「區塊鏈」)。區塊鏈基本上是交易的數位分類帳:鏈中的每個區塊都包含許多交易,每次區塊鏈上發生新交易時,該交易的記錄就會被加入每個參與者的分類帳中。

網路應用程式僅根據本《網路應用程式條款和條件》授權,而非出售,供您使用。Loro Piana 保留《網路應用程式條款和條件》未明確授予您的所有權利。

在使用網路應用程式前,請仔細閱讀並列印一份本《網路應用程式條款和條件》以及相關的《隱私權政策》和《Cookie 政策》,以了解網路應用程式的授權用途以及與其使用相關的 Loro Piana 對您個人資訊的處理。如果您在  www.loropiana.com(以下簡稱「網站」)上線上購買 Loro Piana 的實體產品,可在網站上的相關《銷售條款和條件》中了解關於 Loro Piana 實體作為賣家,以及您購買實體產品的更多資訊以及適用規則。如果本《網路應用程式條款和條件》與上述其他文件之間有任何衝突,針對網路應用程式的授權用途而言,應以前者為準。


1. 本《網路應用程式條款和條件》的更改

Loro Piana 保留在法律修訂、對透過網路應用程式提供的服務發生變更和/或實施其他業務要求的情況下,隨時修改本《網路應用程式條款和條件》的權利。本《網路應用程式條款和條件》的任何變更將提前通知,以便您檢視新的《網路應用程式條款和條件》,並且將立刻在網路應用程式上發布《網路應用程式條款和條件》的更新版本。現行的《網路應用程式條款和條件》是不時在網路應用程式上可用的條款和條件。如果您不打算接受更新的《網路應用程式條款和條件》,則應停止使用網路應用程式。 

2. 使用權限

Loro Piana 授予您的網路應用程式使用權是不可移轉的使用權,僅限於在您擁有或控制的任何裝置上,以符合《網路應用程式條款和條件》的方式使用網路應用程式。本《網路應用程式條款和條件》不允許您在非您所有或控制的任何裝置上使用網路應用程式,並且您不得在可能會被多個裝置同時使用的網路上發佈或提供網路應用程式。您不得租借、租用、出借、出售、重新發佈或轉授權網路應用程式。除非本《網路應用程式條款和條件》另有明確授權,否則您不得複製、反編譯、反向工程、解編、嘗試導出原始程式碼、修改或建立網路應用程式、任何更新或其任何部分的衍生作品 (除非且僅在適用法律禁止任何上述限制的情況下,或在控管應用程式中包含的任何開放原始碼組件的使用授權條款允許的範圍內)。任何如此做的嘗試都侵犯了 Loro Piana 及其授權人的權利,並且您可能會遭受起訴和損害賠償。本《網路應用程式條款和條件》將控管 Loro Piana 提供的任何取代和/或補充網路應用程式的升級,除非此類升級伴有單獨的條款,在此情況下,該條款將適用。

Loro Piana 及其授權人保留未告知的情況下隨時更改、暫停、刪除或停用存取網路應用程式的權利。Loro Piana 不對任何刪除或停止存取網路應用程式的情況負責。 

3. 建立帳戶和存取網路應用程式

您可以免費存取和使用網路應用程式並查閱其內容。但是,Loro Piana 不承擔與存取網路應用程式的網際網路連線相關的任何費用,該費用是根據您的電話營運商的費率、適用的《網路應用程式條款和條件》,以及與任何兌換或移轉 NFT 相關的任何單獨交易費用收取。

尤其是,您需要在網站或網路應用程式上建立一個個人的、不可移轉和不可共享的帳戶以存取和使用網路應用程式,您可以透過該帳戶使用 Loro Piana 的服務,包括:

為了存取網路應用程式並追蹤您的 Loro Piana 實體產品、領取產品並兌換相關 NFT(若有),您需要使用在註冊過程中使用指派給您的憑證,在網站或網路應用程式上登入您的帳戶,包括:

您需要將您的網路應用程式認證保密。對於因您或任何透過網路應用程式銷售的第三方提供不正確或過時的資訊,或您未能確保您的認證安全而導致的任何不便、損失、損害或費用,Loro Piana 概不負責。



您可以隨時透過傳送電子郵件到上述地址給 Loro Piana,或在網站的「我的帳戶」部分選擇相關選項以註銷您的個人帳戶。在收到您的個人帳戶註銷請求後,您的個人帳戶將被終止,並且您的使用者名稱和密碼將被刪除。您之後將無法存取或使用網路應用程式。  

您需要在填寫註冊表格時提供真實、準確、最新和完整的資訊,並在之前提供的資訊的有任何變更時立即通知 Loro Piana。Loro Piana 保留隨時驗證所提供資訊的權利,包括要求提供適當的證明文件,並且在違反本條款的情況下停用或暫停您的帳戶。在任何情況下,在需要時,您都可以透過本網站的「我的帳戶」部分存取您在本網站的個人帳戶,立刻更新您的資料,以及時確保資料的準確性和完整性。

您對於透過您的帳戶在網路應用程式上進行的所有活動負有責任。為此,您承諾採取適當的保護措施,以確保您的密碼安全和保密,並在您的密碼遺失或被盜,或您認為您的個人帳戶被用於或可能被用於未經授權的方式時,立即通知 Loro Piana 。

4. 網路應用程式的授權用途

透過存取網路應用程式並掃描特定商品上的相關 QR 碼,您可以追蹤此類銷售中或您已購買的 Loro Piana 實體產品的供應鏈和後續所有權鏈。

此外,如果您已經購買了該商品,您還可以請求該商品的所有權,並透過點擊「收回所有權」並插入您在購買時收到的相關 PIN 碼來擷取和下載該產品的可追溯性和透明度證書(「證書」) 。在您收回您的物品所有權後,該物品將在區塊鏈上將標記您為擁有者。

如果您遺失指派給您的 PIN 碼,請透過向《網路應用程式條款和條件》中指定的郵箱地址傳送電子郵件,聯絡 Loro Piana 請求釋出新的 PIN 碼,以用於收回您的物品所有權。 

如果您決定移轉您的物品的所有權,則該物品的數位所有權將透過在網路應用程式上選擇相關選項「移轉所有權」移轉給新的擁有者。然後,新的擁有者將收到一個供掃描的 QR 碼,以或點擊一個連結以兌換他/她的所有權。然後,所有權的轉移也將登記在區塊鏈上。 

此外,網路應用程式允許兌換任何 Loro Piana 的 NFT,作為託管在授權區塊鏈上的一種加密代幣。NFT 的主要特徵是它們的非同質化,這代表它們由單一且不可複製的代碼賦予的不可互換性。特別是,如果您購買了與其數位 NFT 相關聯銷售的 Loro Piana 實體產品,您可能會收到 NFT。有關如何兌換您的 NFT 和允許使用的更多資訊,請參閱網路應用程式上提供的相關 《NFT 使用條款和條件》以了解關於如何兌換您的 NFT 和授權用途的資訊。

它們是由於在區塊鏈中維護的所有權記錄而存在的無形數位內容,特指您的 Loro Piana 物品所有權的可追溯性以及相關 NFT (如果有)的擁有。所有與 Loro Piana 實體產品的可追溯性以及相關 NFT 的兌換有關的智慧型合約(如果有)僅存在於區塊鏈上。因此,針對區塊鏈的作業或延續或區塊鏈上智慧型合約的作業,Loro Piana 無法控制也不作任何承諾或保證。您特此認可,Loro Piana 不對任何與區塊鏈或智慧型合約作業相關的問題或損失負責,也不承擔任何責任。 

有關如何兌換您的 NFT 和允許使用的更多資訊,請參閱網路應用程式上提供的相關 《NFT 使用條款和條件》以了解關於如何兌換您的 NFT 和授權用途的資訊。

Loro Piana 可能會在網路應用程式中加入其他功能,這些新增功能將透過網路應用程式、您的錢包(如果相關功能已啟用)和/或透過電子郵件通知您。  


在任何情況下,您都不得干擾網路應用程式的作業,尤其是您承諾不會嘗試規避網路應用程式的安全性、以任何方式改變或侵害網路應用程式的作業、其功能或 Loro Piana 透過網路應用程式所提供的服務。

5. 個人資料處理

為了向您提供網路應用程式和相關服務,Loro Piana 可能會蒐集您的個人資料以及使用網路應用程式的其他相關資訊。Loro Piana 處理此類資訊以允許使用其網路應用程式,也准許存取其服務,並協助向您提供更新和支援。

您需要 (a) 在註冊網路應用程式時以及隨後使用應用程式時提供準確且真實的資料;(b) 在資料發生變化的時候,不無故延誤,相應地更正和更新此類資料。

請參閱網路應用程式上的《隱私權政策》《Cookie 政策》,以了解更多關於所蒐集的資料以及處理目的和方式的相關資訊。

6. 終止

《網路應用程式條款和條件》在 Loro Piana 終止或您取消您在網路應用程式上的帳戶之前持續有效。如果您未能遵守本《網路應用程式條款和條件》的任何規定,將自動終止您在本《網路應用程式條款和條件》下的權利,不另行通知。本《網路應用程式條款和條件》終止後,您應停止所有該網路應用程式的使用。

7. 第三方服務和資料

網路應用程式可能也允許存取與 Loro Piana 合作以提供網路應用程式中包含的服務的第三方合作夥伴的網路應用程式、網站或其他資源。特別是利用區塊鏈協助了 Loro Piana 產品的供應鏈和所有權鏈的可追溯性,以及 NFT 的投放。  

網路應用程式、透過其提供的特定服務或網路應用程式、網站或其他上述資源可能顯示、包括或提供來自第三方的內容、數據、資訊、應用程式或資料(「第三方資料」)。使用網路應用程式表示您認可並且同意,Loro Piana 不負責檢查或評估此類第三方資料或網站的內容、準確性、完整性、及時性、有效性、著作權合規性、合法性、正當性、品質或任何其他方面。Loro Piana 不保證或背書、不承擔並且也不會對您或任何其他人對任何第三方資料或網站,或第三方的任何其他資料、產品或服務承擔任何義務或責任。

此外,取決於第三方顯示的區塊鏈控管規則,第三方資料可能是公開的或私人的。Loro Piana 不會對第三方資料適合或可於任何特定地點使用作出任何陳述。如果您選擇在特定地點存取第三方資料或服務,您如此做是出於自願,並且有責任根據任何適用法律(包括但不限於適用的當地法律)使用第三方資料或服務。您並同意您不會將網路應用程式用於任何法律禁止的目的。

在任何情況下,上述網路應用程式、網站或其他資源,包括第三方資料,僅為方便您而提供。Loro Piana 不控制任何這些外部網路應用程式、網站和資源。因此,您認可並且同意,Loro Piana 對任何這些外部網路應用程式、網站和資源的可用性不承擔任何責任。此外,您認可並且同意,對因此類外部網路應用程式、網站和資源的可用性或不可用性,或因您依賴任何此類外部網路應用程式、網站和資源上或其中提供的任何廣告、產品或其他資料的完整性、準確性或存在性而造成的損失或損害,Loro Piana 不承擔任何責任。

8. 著作權

您同意網路應用程式包含受適用知識產權和其他法律,包括但不限於著作權,保護的專利內容、資訊和資料,並且您不會以任何方式使用此類專利內容、資訊或資料,授權使用的網路應用程式和相關服務除外。不得以任何形式或任何方式複製網路應用程式的任何部分,包括內容以及 Loro Piana 或網路應用程式中提供的其他第三方的商標。您同意不以任何方式修改、租借、租用、出借、出售、分發或建立基於網路應用程式的衍生作品,並且您不得以任何未經授權的方式惡意探索網路應用程式,包括但不限於透過入侵或對網路容量造成負荷。您進一步同意不以任何方式使用網路應用程式或其中提供的服務,以任何方式騷擾、虐待、跟蹤、威脅、誹謗或以其他方式侵犯或侵害任何其他方的權利,並且 Loro Piana 對您的任何非法使用不承擔任何責任。


9. 責任和保證限制

Loro Piana 同意網路應用程式將與網路應用程式的授權用途一致,並足以透過網路應用程式從 Loro Piana 提供的服務中受益,如本《網路應用程式條款和條件》中所述。

Loro Piana 對在使用期間發生的網路應用程式或任何相關數位服務的任何不符合規定的情況負責。在此情況下,Loro Piana 將自費修復網路應用程式不符合規定之處,並以符合網路應用程式及其中提供的數位服務的性質和目的的方式調整或取代網路應用程式。

在任何情況下,Loro Piana 均不對因網際網路故障、意外、功能問題、天災、疫情、法律措施或 Loro Piana 無法控制的任何其他事件導致的存取網路應用程式和相關服務的任何延遲負責。

Loro Piana 或其授權代表提供的任何口頭或書面資訊或建議均不構成保證。

無論如何,Loro Piana 保留暫停、刪除、中止或修改網路應用程式的全部或任何部分的權利,不另行通知,並且對網路應用程式的永久不可用不承擔任何責任。

10. 可分割性


11. 適用法律



此外,根據《歐盟法規 524/2013/UE》第 14 節,如果您是居住於歐盟國家的消費者,您可以選擇一種現行適用法律規定的庭外糾紛解決程序 ,例如可於網站http://ec.europa.eu/odr 取得的歐盟委員會 (European Commission) 提供的網路應用程式。

根據義大利《民法典》 (Civil Code) 第 1341 條,您特此聲明已閱讀、理解並明確接受《網路應用程式條款和條件》的以下部分:1(本《應用程式條款和條件》的變更)、2(使用權限)、6(終止)、9(責任和擔保限制),以及 11(適用法律)。

Terms and Condition of Use of NFTs

Terms and Condition of Use of NFTs

(“NFT Terms and Conditions”)

1. Introduction

1.1. NFT is the acronym for “non-fungible token”, a type of cryptographic token on blockchain that represents a unique digital or real The main feature of NFTs is their non-fungibility that means their non-interchangeability given by a single and a non-replicable code. Any transfer of an NFT from one subject to another is essentially irreversible and cannot be duplicated due to the use of blockchain technology.

1.2. Loro Piana Non-Fungible Tokens consist of a digital token (hereinafter referred to as “NFT”), may be combined with or provide access to certain audio, visual or audio visual content or materials (collectively, the “Artwork”), and are sold by Loro Piana Inc., a company incorporated under the laws of the State of Delaware, with registered office in 711 Fifth Avenue, New York NY 10022, VAT number 13-3800262 (hereinafter referred to as “Loro Piana”). Each person who purchases or otherwise becomes a holder of a Loro Piana NFT is subject to these NFT Terms and Conditions and is referred to herein as “you”.

1.3. The redemption, transfer and use of a Loro Piana NFT by you is governed by these NFT Terms and Condition and performed through the Loro Piana web application that is available at https://productinfo.loropiana.com/traceability (“Loro Piana Web Application Web Application”). Please read these NFT Terms and Conditions carefully before redeeming your NFT or carrying out any operations with the NFT, as further described. For further information on the use of the Loro Piana Web Application, please consult the relevant Terms and Conditions of Use of the Web Application.

1.4. These NFT Terms and Conditions and any contract related to the redemption, use and transfer of NFTs between Loro Piana and you are available in

1.5. Loro Piana reserves the right to amend these NFT Terms and Conditions at any time without advance Any amendments shall be effective on the date the new version of the NFT Terms and Conditions is published on the Loro Piana Web Application. Where the NFT Terms and Conditions are replaced with a new version, the previous version of the NFT Terms and Conditions will no longer be applicable, effective or enforceable in relation to any operations made with NFTs after such previous version has been replaced.

2. NFTs availability and redemption

2.1. NFTs are issued by a smart contract and available on the permissioned blockchain, meaning in general a distributed ledger technology (DLT) that allows users to share, distribute, replicate as well as to record, validate, update, and store certain transactions on a cryptographic basis and in a verifiable and immutable manner (the so called “Blockchain”). Essentially the Blockchain is a digital ledger of transactions: each block in the chain contains a number of transactions, and every time a new transaction occurs on the Blockchain, a record of that transaction is added to the general

2.2. Through the Loro Piana Web Application, you may redeem any NFT that you have purchased in association with certain Loro Piana physical products. In particular, the Loro Piana Web Application aims at allowing you to trace certain Loro Piana products, create a virtual wardrobe listing certain Loro Piana items purchased and owned by you, as well as to redeem any associated NFTs and save them in your compatible digital wallet. For further information on the use of the Loro Piana Web Application, please consult the relevant Terms and Conditions of Use of the Web Application

2.3. In order to redeem your NFT, you need to:

a. scan the relevant QR code printed on the label of the Loro Piana’s physical product associated with the NFT or otherwise provided to you;

b. login using your account credentials or create and access your account on the Loro Piana Web Application;

c. trace your Loro Piana physical product and claim it in order to insert such product into your digital wardrobe; and

d. connect your digital wallet and redeem the related NFT by clicking on the relevant option on the Loro Piana Web

2.4. You are aware that to redeem your NFT, you must also have a Web3 Metamask or Coinbase digital wallet that compatible with the Loro Piana Web The wallet is a type of digital storage that enables you to store and transfer cryptocurrency and digital tokens like a Loro Piana NFT. Therefore, you need set up your own digital wallet – which equips you with a wallet address, key vault, secure login, and backup options – in order to redeem the Loro Piana NFT and manage your digital assets. In particular, you acknowledge that the Loro Piana Web Application supports only Web3 Metamask or Coinbase wallet. For further information on the Metamask wallet please visit Metamask website at https://metamask.io. Alternatively, you can find further information on Coinbase wallet at https://www.coinbase.com/wallet. Please note that age restrictions apply when creating a wallet.

2.5. A Loro Piana NFT may be associated to the Loro Piana physical product that you purchased. Once you enter the PIN and claim ownership over your item, the Loro Piana physical product will be no longer be exchanged or returned. You can transfer the ownership of your NFT by transferring the ownership of the Loro Piana physical Particularly, the new owner of the Loro Piana physical product will receive a QR code to scan or a link to click on in order to redeem his/her ownership. Then, he/she will need to follow the procedure outlined in Section 2.3. above to also transfer the ownership of the related NFT.

2.6. You are aware that these NFT Terms and Conditions will apply only to the purchase of NFTs that are offered for sale by Loro Loro Piana will have no control, liability and whatsoever responsibilities for any other purchase of NFTs made by third parties’ and not regulated by these NFT Terms and Conditions.

2.7. The NFT is available at the time of the purchase of the associated physical product. Thus, the NFT can be redeemed soon after the purchase is finalized.

2.8. In the event Loro Piana does not make available the NFT purchased or transferred within the above timeframe, you may request that Loro Piana make available such NFT within an additional time adequate to the circumstances in accordance with the applicable laws currently into

2.9. For any problem or issue relating to the redemption of NFTs, please contact Loro Piana’s Customer Service as indicated in Section 10 below.

3. Title and rights of use, transfer and Secondary Sales of NFTs

3.1. Ownership of the NFT is mediated entirely by the applicable Loro Piana does not operate and is not responsible for the Blockchain. Loro Piana may not be able to seize, freeze, or otherwise modify the ownership of an NFT once it has been minted. Your ownership of an NFTs does not imply any ownership of the Artwork associated with the NFT content which includes any design, artwork, image, photograph, video, signs, names, picture, portaits and whatsoever other material contained in or associated with the NFT. As a consequence thereof, Loro Piana and its licensor, if any, are and will remain the owners of any intellectual property rights in and to the Artwork. You understand and agree: (a) that your ownership of an NFT does not give you any rights or licenses in or to the associated Artwork, whether now or hereafter created) other than those expressly contained in these NFT Terms and Conditions; (b) that you do not have the right, except as otherwise expressly provided in these NFT Terms and Conditions, to reproduce, distribute, publicly display, publicly perform, create derivative works of, or otherwise commercialize any elements of the Artwork without Loro Piana’s prior written consent in each case, which consent Loro Piana may withhold in its sole and absolute discretion; and (c) that you will not apply for, register, or otherwise use or attempt to use any of Loro

Piana’s trademarks, trade dress or service marks, or any confusingly similar marks, anywhere in the world without Loro Piana’s prior written consent in each case, which consent Loro Piana may withhold at its sole and absolute discretion.

3.2. Subject to your continued compliance with these NFT Terms and Conditions, Loro Piana and its licensors, if any, grant you a limited, revocable, worldwide, non-exclusive, non-transferable, royalty- free license to use, transfer, and display the Artwork that is accessible by your NFT solely for your own personal non-commercial use (the “Permitted Uses”). This will include the displaying but not the selling on third parties’ marketplace or third party website or application provided that such marketplace or website/application cryptographically verifies each NFT owner’s rights to display the Artwork that is made accessible by their NFT to ensure that only the actual owner can display the In this regard, Loro Piana and its licensors, if any, grant only the actual NFTs’ owner rights to display the Artwork on the third party Web Applications as specified in these NFT Terms and Conditions.

3.3. Such rights on the Artwork are to be considered granted limited to the time you are owner of the Accordingly, the same rights will be considered automatically transferred from time to time with the ownership of the relevant NFTs. If at any time you sell, swap, donate, give away, transfer, or otherwise dispose of your NFT for any reason, you will have no further rights in or to the Artwork that is made accessible by that NFT. Loro Piana, and its licensor, if any, reserve all rights in and to the Artwork not expressly granted to you in these NFT Terms and Conditions.

3.4. Without prejudice to what is provided for herein, you acknowledge and agree to have no right, title and interest in and to the Loro Piana trademarks and the relevant distinctive signs and intellectual property rights as well as in and to the Artwork which are and will remain owned by Loro Piana or its licensors, if

3.5. Even if Blockchain grants the security and the immutability of the NFTs and the data store on it, you agree that you shall not, nor permit any third party to do or attempt to do, any of the following activities:

(i) alter, cut, disassemble or modify the NFT or incorporate it, wholly or partially, into other digital items; (ii) change, copy and in any way adjust or modify the Artwork in any way, including, without limitation, the shapes, designs, drawings, attributes, or color schemes ; (iii) use the Artwork to advertise and promote your products, services and your professional activity or any products, services and professional activity of any third parties nor use it in any way in association with any distribution and sale of such products and services; (iv) use the Artwork in connection with images, videos, or other forms of media that depict hatred, intolerance, violence, cruelty, or anything else that could reasonably be found to constitute hate speech or otherwise infringe upon the rights of others; (v) use the Artwork in movies, videos, or any other forms of media, except solely for your own personal, non- commercial use; (vi) sell, distribute for commercial gain (including, without limitation, giving away in the hopes of eventual commercial gain) the Artwork, or otherwise commercialize merchandise that includes, contains, or consists of the Artwork; (vii) attempt to trademark, copyright, or otherwise acquire additional intellectual property rights in or to Artwork; or (viii) otherwise utilize the Artwork for your or any third party’s commercial benefit. The restrictions in this section will survive the expiration or termination of these NFT Terms and Conditions.

3.6. To the extent that Artwork associated with the NFTs contains licensed intellectual property from third parties, including an artist, celebrity, athlete, or other public figure (“Third Party IP”), you understand and agree as follows: (i) that you will not have any ownership right, title and interest in and to such Third Party IP and you will not have the right to use such Third Party IP in any way except as incorporated in the Artwork, and subject to the license and restrictions contained herein; (ii) that, depending on the nature of the license granted from the owner of the Third Party IP, Loro Piana may need to pass through restrictions on your ability to use the Artwork; (iii) that you cannot reproduce the NFTs on any physical support; (iv) to the extent that Loro Piana informs you of such restrictions in writing (email is permissible), you will be responsible for complying with all such restrictions from the date that you receive the notice, and that failure to do so will be deemed a breach of this The restrictions in this section will survive the expiration or termination of these NFT Terms and Conditions.

3.7. You undertake to use the Artwork according to these NFT Terms and Conditions and, in case of breach of these NFT Terms and Conditions, to indemnify and hold Loro Piana and its licensors against any claim, demand and action by third parties as well as any damage, costs, expenses and fine arising out from any breach of these NFT Terms and Conditions by you. If you engage in any of the prohibited activities, Loro Piana may, in its sole and absolute discretion, without notice or liability to you, and without limiting any of its other rights or remedies at law or in equity, immediately suspend or terminate your user account, freeze your NFT, or delete or disassociate Artwork associated with your NFT. In any such event, you will not receive a refund of any amounts you have paid for such NFT or the physical item associated with the

3.8. You will be solely responsible to pay any and all sales, use, value-added and other taxes, customs, import or export, or other duties and assessments, as well as any amounts levied in lieu thereof now or hereafter claimed or imposed by any national, supranational, federal, state, local or other jurisdiction (including any interest thereon and penalties in respect thereof) associated with your Following the transfer of the NFTs, you assume all responsibility for any tax obligation to be complied with in your country of residence, including but not limited to the correct tax treatment to be applied to the transfer of the NFTs, obligation to file any tax return or communication to the relevant tax authorities concerning NFTs and/or related cryptocurrencies, releasing Loro Piana for all purposes from any liability or obligation.

3.9. You have the right to transfer your NFTs to a third party (“Secondary Sales”). For each Secondary Sale of NFTs and, to facilitate such Secondary Sales, you undertake to give Loro Piana any information and/or personal data needed to facilitate such

3.10. All Secondary Sales are subject to Loro Piana’s or its licensor’s rights in the Artwork and such other restrictions on the Permitted Uses noted above and the winner shall be required to impose those restrictions on any person or entity to whom the NFT is transferred or sold, with a corresponding obligation on such party to also impose those restrictions on Permitted Uses on any person or entity to whom they transfer or sell the NFT and so on in perpetuity such that the restrictions on Permitted Uses will apply to the NFT forever.

3.11. To the extent you (or any successor) transfer or sell the NFT and do not include a provision in your transfer documentation that imposes the restrictions Permitted Uses on the person or entity to whom the NFT was transferred or sold, you (and any successor) agrees to fully indemnify Loro Piana against any claim brought against Loro Piana in relation to the restrictions on Permitted Uses and reimburse Loro Piana for the costs it incurs in seeking to enforce or impose the restrictions on Permitted

3.12. You have the right to store your private keys, which would give you the control over your NFTs and display the NFTs to the public (e.g., through market places) with the exception to offer them for

4. Price and method of payment

4.1. You are aware that the NFTs are sold in association with the purchase of a Loro Piana physical product . For this reason, any payment for the Loro Piana’s physical product and the related NFT will not be in Therefore, you can purchase the NFT in the local currency specified by Loro Piana from time to time. In any case, any Loro Piana product associated with the NFT will be purchased with FIAT currency only.

4.2. Every transaction related to the purchase of the NFTs requires the payment of the Blockchain Fees (e.g., the gas fee that should be paid for the registration of the transactions in the Blockchain). In particular, gas fees are the transaction fee paid to the network of computers that run the Blockchain (so-called nodes), meaning that it is necessary to pay a gas fee for each transaction that occurs via the Blockchain.

4.3. Loro Piana has no control over the payments of the Secondary Sales of NFTs, and Loro Piana is not in the position to reverse any payments or transactions related to any operations with the NFTs. Therefore, Loro Piana has no liability to you or to any third party for any claims, damages or malfunctioning that may arise as a result of any payments executed for the purposes of purchase of the NFTs or transactions.

4.4. You are aware that the value of the NFTs is subjective and therefore can be volatile. Therefore, you acknowledge that Loro Piana cannot guarantee that any NFT purchased will retain their original

5. NFTs conformity

5.1. When you redeem your NFTs, you are required to check the Artwork is consistent with the description provided by Loro Piana. In the event of lack of conformity, you may request to Loro Piana the replacement with a new NFT, if

5.2. In order to notify the existence of lack of conformity and to demand the remedies listed above, you may contact Loro Piana at the addresses indicated in Section 11

6.       Third-party services

6.1. NFTs are minted on the Blockchain and the drop is facilitated by leveraging third-party providers.

6.2. In any case, the Web Applications, sites or other resources above are provided solely as your Loro Piana has no control over any of these external Web Applications, sites and resources. Therefore, you acknowledge and agree that Loro Piana is not responsible for the availability of any of these external Web Applications, sites and resources. Furthermore, you acknowledge and agree that Loro Piana is not liable for any loss or damage which may be incurred as a result of the availability or unavailability of such external Web Applications, sites and resources, or as a result of any reliance placed by you upon the completeness, accuracy, or existence of any advertising, products or other materials on, or made available from, any such external Web Applications, sites and resources.

7. Limited Warranty

7.1. Loro Piana as manufacturer will guarantee the conformity of the NFTs to the technical characteristics of the product described during the sale. This liability under Article 118 of Italian Legislative Decree 206 of September 6, 2005, as subsequently amended and supplemented the "Consumer Code" is excluded to the Customer where:

➢the defect in the NFTs causing the damage did not exist at the time Loro Piana put the NFTs into circulation (e.g., where the damage was caused by an attempt by the Customer to tamper with the NFT);

➢the state of technical knowledge related to blockchain technology and smart contracts, did not yet allow the NFTs to be considered defective at the time Loro Piana put them into circulation; and

➢whether the nature of the malfunction causing the damage was directly attributable to In that case, Loro Piana would have no control whatsoever, as Etherum, as a public blockchain, is not governed by a central entity

7.2. Subject to the provisions of applicable law, including Consumer Code provisions when applicable, Customer acknowledges and agrees to use NFTs at its sole risk, including those relating to quality, performance, functionality and

7.3. In the event of a lack of conformity of NFTs, the Customer shall have the right to their restoration to conformity where technically possible or to termination of the contract within the terms provided by applicable law . The Customer shall not have the right to terminate the contract if the lack of conformity is

7.4. Under no circumstances Loro Piana is responsible for any errors resulting from the failure of your connection to the Loro Piana Web Application or failure of the Loro Piana Web Application to function properly and/or technical criticalities related to the redemption of NFTs and the transfer of their ownership due to Internet failures, accidents, malfunctions, acts of God, epidemics, legal measures or any other events beyond Loro Piana’s control.

7.5. NFTs are intangible digital contents that exist by virtue of the ownership record maintained in the All smart contracts of NFTs exist solely on the Blockchain. Thus, Loro Piana has no control over and make no promises or guarantees with respect to any operation related to the Blockchain. You hereby acknowledge that Loro Piana is not responsible for and will have no liability for any issues or losses related to the Blockchain or smart contracts operating in any way not expected. You will be solely responsible for securing your private key. Any party with access to, or a copy of, your private key will be able to transact and take any NFT stored in the Loro Piana Web Application, as well as in any digital wallet associated with that private key. You should always keep your private key secure and never disclose it to anyone.

7.6. You agree to indemnify and hold harmless Loro Piana, its affiliates and their officers, directors, employees and agents, from and against any claims, disputes, demands, liabilities, damages, losses, and costs and expenses, arising out of or in any way connected with (i) your use of the NFTs or (ii) your violation of this NFT Terms and Conditions or applicable

8. Additional Benefits

8.1. From time to time, Loro Piana may choose to extend special access or other opportunities (collectively, “Special Benefits”) to holders of a particular NFT or collection of To illustrate, a Special Benefit could provide holders of a particular NFT or collection of NFTs with the opportunity to access exclusive content, access non-exclusive content before members of the general public, obtain discounts on purchases, redeem physical goods or merchandise, or access other perquisites as determined by Loro Piana in its sole discretion.

8.2. Any Special Benefits will be described at the time they are offered. All details and other restrictions on any particular Special Benefit not specified at the time it is offered will be determined by Loro Piana in its sole discretion.

8.3. Special Benefits are subject to availability as determined by Loro Piana in its sole discretion. Loro Piana may impose a limit on the number of Special Benefits that may redeemed in the aggregate or per account, per day, per NFT or collection of NFTs or per any other generally-applicable metric that may be selected by Loro Piana from time to time in its sole discretion.

8.4. Loro Piana reserves the right to modify, amend or revise the Special Benefits it makes available. Members may not rely on continued availability of Special Benefits in general or any particular Special The type of NFT required to access any Special Benefit may be changed, any Special Benefit may be withdrawn, and restrictions on any Special Benefit or its redemption may be imposed by Loro Piana or its designee or the third party business partner supplying the Special Benefit. Loro Piana reserves the right to substitute Special Benefits of comparable or greater value if any redeemed Special Benefit becomes unavailable for any reason. Unless otherwise specified at the time of redemption, physical Special Benefits will be fulfilled within six to eight weeks from date of redemption, or as soon thereafter as reasonably practicable. Special Benefits pictured in advertising, marketing, promotional or publicity materials are for illustrative purposes only. The actual Special Benefit may vary from the Special Benefit pictured.

8.5. Users shall be solely responsible for all federal, state, and/or local taxes including, without limitation, income taxes and any reporting consequences thereof in connection with a Special Benefit. Special Benefits do not constitute property of a user, have no cash value, may not be redeemed for cash and may not be sold, auctioned, bartered, brokered, purchased, transferred, assigned or used to engage in any gambling activity. Any Special Benefit obtained in this manner by any person or entity will be considered to have been fraudulently obtained and deemed void and such Special Benefit may be confiscated or cancelled.

8.6. If you own a NFT or collection of NFTs that entitles you to a Special Benefit that requires Loro Piana to share your account information with a third party, you hereby consent to such sharing to facilitate your ability to access the Special Physical Special Benefits will be shipped only to the United States address currently on file with Loro Piana for the applicable user’s account and will not be shipped to any other person or address. A pattern of redeeming physical Special Benefits preceded or followed by changing the address for the applicable account may be viewed as redemption fraud and could result in the termination of your ability to access Special Benefits.

8.7. Loro Piana may modify the methods through which Special Benefits can be earned, how Special Benefit can be used, the types or “classes” of Special Benefit available, and the conditions under which Special Benefit may expire or be forfeited, at any time, with or without notice, even though these changes may affect a user’s ability to use the Special Benefit that he/she has already earned.

8.8. Some Special Benefits will be offered on a first come, first serve basis or otherwise capped. Users may not rely on continued Special Benefit availability. Loro Piana makes no representation or warranty about the number or type of Special Benefits that may be available. If the Loro Piana Web Application terminates, the Special Benefits that may have been available prior to termination may become Any Special Benefit associated with a particular NFT, collection of NFTs, or user account at the time of termination will be forfeited and no compensation will be provided.

8.9. Loro Piana may suspend or cancel your access to a Special Benefit at any time with immediate effect if Loro Piana determines in its sole discretion that you (a) have acted in a manner inconsistent with applicable laws or ordinances; (b) acted in a fraudulent or abusive manner; (c) breached any of these NFT Terms and Conditions; (d) engaged in any fraud or abuse concerning Special Benefit; or (e) engaged in any conduct or act that causes Loro Piana to terminate or suspend your access to the Loro Piana Web Application. Loro Piana may also take appropriate administrative or legal action if any of the items listed above occurs. Nothing contained in these NFT Terms and Conditions shall limit Loro Piana in its exercise of any legal or equitable rights or remedies.

8.10. Loro Piana shall not be responsible or liable for, and is hereby released from, any and all costs, injuries, losses or damages of any kind, including, without limitation, death and bodily injury, due in whole or in part, directly or indirectly, to participation in a Special Benefit or from entrants’ acceptance, receipt, possession and/or use or misuse of the Special WITHOUT LIMITING THE GENERALITY OF THE FOREGOING, SPECIAL BENEFITS ARE PROVIDED “AS IS” WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AND FOX HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL SUCH WARRANTIES, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND/OR NON-INFRINGEMENT.

9. Limitation of liability


9.2. In connection with this waiver and release, you acknowledge that you are aware that you may hereafter discover claims presently unknown or unsuspected, or facts in addition to or different from those which you now know or believe to be Nevertheless, you intend to release fully, finally and forever all Released Matters. In furtherance of such intention, the releases set forth herein shall be and shall remain in effect as full and complete releases notwithstanding the discovery or existence of any such additional or different claims or facts relevant hereto.

10. Governing law and disputes

10.1. If you are located in the United States, these NFT Terms and Conditions shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of New York applicable to contracts entered into and fully performed in New York (without regard to its conflicts of law principles that would cause the application of any other jurisdiction's laws). By claiming, owning or holding a Loro Piana NFT, you unconditionally consent and agree that: (1) any claim, dispute, or controversy (whether in contract, tort, or otherwise) you may have against Loro Piana and/or its parent, subsidiaries, affiliates and each of their respective members, officers, directors and employees (all such individuals and entities collectively referred to herein as the “Loro Piana Entities”) arising out of, relating to, or connected in any way with a Loro Piana NFT or the determination of the scope or applicability of this agreement to arbitrate, will be resolved exclusively by final and binding arbitration administered by a well-established and recognized United States commercial arbitration provider and conducted before a sole arbitrator in accordance with the rules of such provider; (2) this arbitration agreement is made pursuant to a transaction involving interstate commerce, and shall be governed by the Federal Arbitration Act (“FAA”), 9 S.C. §§ 1-16; (3) the arbitrator’s decision shall be controlled by the terms and conditions of this Agreement and any of the other agreements referenced herein that the applicable user may have entered into in connection with a Loro Piana NFT; (5) the arbitrator shall apply New York state law consistent with the FAA and applicable statutes of limitations, and shall honor claims of privilege recognized at law; (6) there shall be no authority for any claims to be arbitrated on a class or representative basis, arbitration can decide only your and/or the applicable Loro Piana Entity’s individual claims; the arbitrator may not consolidate or join the claims of other persons or parties who may be similarly situated; (7) the arbitrator shall not have the power to award punitive damages against you or any Loro Piana Entity; (8) if you are able to demonstrate that the administrative costs of arbitration will be prohibitive as compared to the costs of litigation, Loro Piana will pay your administrative filing and hearing fees in connection with the arbitration if and to the extent the arbitrator determines that such administrative cost of arbitration is more expensive than the administrative cost of litigation; and (9) with the exception of subpart (6) above, if any part of this arbitration provision is deemed to be invalid, unenforceable or illegal, or otherwise conflicts with the rules of the arbitration provider, then the balance of this arbitration provision shall remain in effect and shall be construed in accordance with its terms as if the invalid, unenforceable, illegal or conflicting provision were not contained herein. If, however, subpart (6) is found to be invalid, unenforceable or illegal, then the entirety of this Arbitration Provision shall be null and void, and neither you nor Loro Piana shall be entitled to arbitrate their dispute.

10.2. Besides:

a) if you are a consumer resident in the EU, the court of the place where you are domiciled or resident, if located in Italy, shall have exclusive and mandatory jurisdiction for any disputes arising from the interpretation and/or application of these Terms. In the event the domicile or residence is not located in Italy, you may, at your election, refer the matter either to the court of the place where you are domiciled or resident or to the Court of Milan, Italy; and

b) if you are not a consumer resident in the EU, each party irrevocably agrees to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Milan, Italy, Italy, over any claim or matter arising under or in connection with these Terms.

11. Data protection

11.1. In order to allow you to redeem your NFT through the Loro Piana Web Application, Loro Piana may process your personal data in accordance with the Loro Piana Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy that are available within the Loro Piana Web Application.

12. Contact details

12.1. For any complaint, additional information or assistance relating to the NFTs and for any request for information and/or clarifications in respect of these NFT Terms and Conditions, you may contact Loro Piana Customer Service by sending an email to the following address us@loropiana.com.

13. Severability

13.1. Should any provision of these NFT Terms and Conditions be considered unlawful, void or otherwise unenforceable, then such provision shall be deemed severable from these Terms and Conditions, without affecting the validity and enforceability of any other provisions. These NFT Terms and Conditions may not be amended, nor any obligation waived, without Loro Piana’s written Any failure to enforce any provision of these NFT Terms and Conditions shall not constitute a waiver thereof or of any other provision thereof.